An Overview of the Assessment Process


This presentation is an overview of the referral and assessment process for a student being considered for special education services. It was completed for the course ED 562 Introduction to Learning Disabilities. 

It covers topics including an overview of mild disabilities, screening and referral of students, the evaluation process, least restrictive environment, and the importance of collaboration between teachers and families.

This presentation is designed to be used in a course introducing the special education process to stakeholders or future stakeholders in education. It is best executed by having students help with reading the slides (i.e popcorn read… drawing names w/ popsicle sticks, etc.) Slides should be passed out in note-taking view so students can add additional notes as they follow along with the presentation.

Teacher notes on each slide during the presentation are used to interject other valuable information when necessary. In some instances, additional information isn’t necessary…. A spade is a spade so to speak.